Travelling from Ireland to Morocco

If you’re planning a trip from Ireland to Morocco, you are in for an exciting adventure! Let’s make sure you have everything sorted out so your journey is smooth and fun.

First of all, picking your flight is key. Direct flights are quick and easy, but sometimes taking a flight with a stop or two can save you some money. Once you land in Morocco, you will need to exchange some euros for Moroccan dirhams.

Next, think about where to stay and how you can get around. Taxis and buses are popular choices. Also, you have to think about what to wear depending on the season of your trip.

Speaking of seeing things, Morocco is full of amazing places and rich culture. Wander through the bustling markets, try some local dishes like tagine, and enjoy the vibrant colors and sounds of the streets. Each city in Morocco, from the lively Marrakech to the amazing Sahara Desert, offers something unique.

On This article, Touring In Morocco will make sure you have everything you need for a safe and memorable trip from Ireland to Morocco

Getting to Morocco from Ireland

Are you ready to jump from the green hills of Ireland to the sun-drenched streets of Morocco? Here is the complete guide for a memorable trip to Morocco. Whether you’re flying solo, with friends, or with family, Morocco is truly for everyone.

First off, let’s talk about the flights. You can choose between direct flights or flights with a stop or two. If you do not have much time, direct flights are the best choice, though they might cost a bit more. On the other side, if you are looking to save some money, connecting flights is the way to go. They take a bit longer, but you get more time for reading or watching your favorite shows. Airlines like Ryanair and Aer Lingus fly from Ireland to Morocco, so you have choices that suit your budget.

Now, Let’s talk about the money part. It is a smart move to compare flight prices early and book your tickets ahead of time to get those awesome deals. Sometimes, flying via a major European city could save you some euros, especially during busy travel times.

Essential Packing Tips for Morocco

Things to pack for a trip to Morocco

Getting ready for your big trip from Ireland to Morocco? Packing smart is key to having a great experience. Here is a fun guide to help you pack just what you need for the adventure ahead.


When you pack for Morocco, make sure you bring clothes that do not fit too tightly, let air flow, and follow the local practices. For both men and women, choose long, light pants and shirts with sleeves, especially if you are traveling in summer. Tops and skirts that flow and reach at least the knee are great. A scarf or a cover is a flexible must-have that can be used for more covering at holy places or on cooler nights. If you want to explore the busy medinas, bring comfortable walking shoes. Also, do not forget to bring sun protection like a hat and sunglasses for Morocco’s warm weather.


For the trip to Morocco, do not forget to pack a travel adapter. There, they use type C and E plugs, which are different from the type G plugs in Ireland. A travel adapter will ensure you can easily charge your devices like your phone and camera.

Also, throw a portable charger in your bag. When you are wandering around the busy souks of Marrakech or walking through the vast desert dunes, finding a power outlet can be tricky. With a portable charger, you will not have to worry about your phone dying. You can also pack a laptop if you work online or you are a travel blogger.

Other Essentials

Let’s talk now about some essentials you will need to make your trip amazing and comfortable. First up, pack your sunscreen, a cool hat, and your favorite sunglasses. Trust me, the Moroccan sun can be pretty intense sometimes, especially in summer.

Also, make sure to include band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and any personal medications you might need. It is always smart to be prepared, especially since finding a pharmacy might be a bit a bit difficult in some areas.

Where to Stay in Morocco?

A Riad in Morocco

When planning a trip to Morocco, selecting where to stay is important, especially in the big cities.

First of all, let’s talk about riads. These are traditional Moroccan homes turned into cozy little hotels right in the heart of historic cities of Morocco like Marrakech and Fes. Staying in a riad is like a trip back in time, offering a truly authentic experience. There are plenty of different riads which you can choose from in all the well-known places in the country.

Now, if you love having all the modern comforts, check out the many hotels in Morocco. From luxury hotels to budget-friendly spots, you will find everything. Hotels are great if you are into amenities like swimming pools, gyms, and a variety of places to eat.

What to do in Morocco?

Merzouga Shara Desert

Morocco is a treasure with a lot of things to do. Let’s talk about the fun and simple plan to explore this vibrant country.

First up, Marrakech! This city is famous for its lively atmosphere. Make sure to visit Jemaa el-Fnaa Square, Bahia Palace, El Badi Palace, the Majorelle Gardens, and so many beautiful sites in this lovely red city.

Next, how about a desert adventure? Tour companies like Touring In Morocco offer awesome private tours that can take you to the incredible Merzouga Desert. Riding the camels and spending the night at a luxury desert camp are the highlights of the desert experience.

Do not forget the markets, or as they are called here, souks. There, you will find everything from spices to handmade crafts. They are perfect for picking up a little something to remember your trip by.

And of course, you’ve got to try the Moroccan food. The local cuisine is rich and flavorful, filled with spices that wake up your taste buds. Tagine, couscous, and mint tea are must-tries.

Morocco Travel Tips

Are you ready to pack your bags for an exciting trip from Ireland to Morocco? Here’s a simple, fun guide to make sure you have a lovely experience.

Currency Exchange

Welcome to your handy guide for handling money while exploring the amazing landscapes and cities of Morocco.

The first thing to know is that whenever you need to swap some cash, always head to a well-known bank or an authorized exchange office. These spots are trustworthy exchange offices, much better than what you might stumble upon with street vendors. This way, you avoid the risk of getting fake bills.

Big cities in Morocco are loaded with ATMs and places to exchange your money, so you are good there. However, if your adventure takes you to smaller towns, remember that they might not have as many options. It is a smart move to exchange enough money while you are still in the big city to keep you covered as you travel around.

Do not forget, whether you are buying a beautiful local handicraft or grabbing some cafe, cash is the key. Especially in the local markets and more rural spots, people tend to prefer cash over cards.

Always, and I mean always, ask for a receipt when you exchange your money. It’s not just about tracking your spending, but also about having proof of your exchange, just in case there is a mix-up.

And lastly, keep an eye on the current exchange rate. You can check it online or on a currency conversion app. Knowing the rate will help you ensure you’re getting a fair deal.

Safety Mesures

Exploring Morocco’s lovely cities is an adventure, and staying safe is super important. Here is a fun and simple guide to help you navigate these bustling spots without worrying about anything.

First up, keep your valuables close. Busy streets can be a hotspot for pickpockets. Wear a money belt or a cross-body bag that zips. This way, everything stays tight and right by your side.

As you wander through the cities, stick to the bright and busy streets, especially after sunset. If a street looks empty or a bit shady, it’s best to avoid it. If you want to go to an unknown place, ask your hotel staff for advice.

Now, getting on a bus or catching a taxi can be easy if you remember these tips. Always go for the official ones, you can spot them by their clear signs. And do not forget to agree on a taxi fare before you jump in. This keeps things smooth when you reach your destination.

Lastly, Moroccans are super welcoming but stay sharp. If someone you do not know offers help or a quick tour, it is okay to say no thanks.

Tips on Weather

Now Let’s make sure you pack just right so you can enjoy every phase of your adventure, no matter the weather.

Morocco’s weather can change a lot depending on where you are. It is usually pretty mild if you go to coastal spots like Casablanca or Essaouira. A light jacket and clothes that let your skin breathe are perfect. But, if your plans include hiking up the Atlas Mountains, it gets chillier, especially at night. S

Now, let’s talk about summer. It gets hot! In cities like Marrakech and Fes, temperatures often go above 40°C from June through August. To protect yourself from the heat, pack clothes that are light and airy. Do not forget a hat and sunglasses to protect you from the sun. But remember: during winter, it can get pretty cold, and you might even find snow in higher places like Ifrane.

To sum it up, always check the weather forecast before you go. Knowing what to expect means you can pack smart and have a blast in Morocco, enjoying the gorgeous weather and stunning views.

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