A camel driver in the Merzouga desert: one of the ways to travel around Morocco.

Touring Morocco is an exciting adventure full of surprises, but figuring out the best way to see all of its highlights might seem challenging. This country offers everything from crowded city markets to peaceful desert and coastal areas. Whether you’re looking to travel by modern means of transportation or drive through the scenic Atlas Mountains, your choice depends on the type of experience you are after. Let’s look at the best ways to travel around Morocco.

People riding camels in Merzouga desert.

Travelling Around Morocco by Train

Trains are a comfy way to travel around Morocco, especially the big cities. Big cities like Marrakech, Fes, and Rabat are all easy to get to by train. There are even super fast trains between some cities, like Tangier, Rabat, and Casablanca, to get there quicker. When buying tickets, try to get flexible ones in case your plans change. Buying your tickets at the train station is usually easiest. Trains can get crowded, so try to pack light if possible.

People get on the train as it is one of the best ways to Travel around Morocco.

Taking the train in Morocco is a great way to see the sights, meet new people, and make your trip even more fun! Here is the official website to book your train ticket in Morocco: ONCF.

Traveling Around Morocco by Bus

Buses are a great way to travel around Morocco, especially to places you can’t reach by train. For example, the beautiful town of Chefchaouen doesn’t have a train station, so you will need to take a bus. CTM and Super@Tour are popular bus companies with regular trips to many places for good prices. Just remember, if you have lots of bags, you might need to pay extra for each one.

Bus rides can take longer because they make stops, but some buses have WiFi (although it might not always work). Make sure to sit in your assigned seat, even if the bus isn’t full.

CTM bus in Morocco, one of the best ways to travel around.

Travel Around Morocco By Taxi

Taxis are a fun way to travel around Morocco because you can go wherever you want, whenever you want! Taxis are easy to find in big cities like Fes, Marrakech, and Chefchaouen. Before you get in, agree on a price with the driver. Talk to your hotel or hostel about how much it should cost so you don’t get charged too much.

There are two types of grand taxis in Morocco: shared taxis, which are cheaper but make stops, and private taxis, which are more expensive but all yours.

Ps: In Moroccan cities, there are two types of Taxi; Petit Taxi and Grand Taxi. The Petit Taxi usually has a certain color and is different from one city to another. They function only in a certain area like inside the city. On the other hand, the Grand Taxis, usually white and bigger, can go between cities for decent prices.

Renting a Car to Travel Around Morocco

Renting a car in Morocco is like having your own personal travel genie! You can explore wherever you want, whenever you want. Want to sleep in? No problem! Want to chase the sunrise? Go for it! Renting a car is easy for tourists in Morocco, just bring your driver’s license. There are many car rental companies all over Morocco, so finding the perfect car is a breeze.

Just remember, driving in Morocco can be tricky. Especially in the mountains, the roads are narrow, curvy, and sometimes steep. Take it slow and be careful to make your trip safe and fun. Or you can avoid all the stress and hire a private driver and car in Morocco.

Joining a guided tours with Touring In Morocco

Travelling around Morocco through Domestic Flights

Planes are the fastest way to travel around Morocco! This is great if you want to see lots of places in a short amount of time, or if you don’t like long bus rides or trains. There are airports in big cities like Marrakech, Fes, Agadir, Tangier, Casablanca, and even in the desert, with flights going back and forth all week. Royal Air Maroc and Ryanair are popular airlines in Morocco. Ryanair is known for its decent prices and operates every Friday and Sunday between the big cities in Morocco.

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