Do's & Don'ts in Morocco

Morocco is a safe place to visit. As a tourist, you are unlikely to find yourself in a perilous scenario. The natives are used to tourists and are open and pleasant; the most you risk is losing your wallet. Scams, pickpockets, and general petty crime are rampant in this nation. Still, if you are cautious and follow the few simple guidelines stated here, you are unlikely to be in significant danger. Although I would be careful as a single traveler, I doubt you will not face any serious complications. Let’s find out the important do’s and don’ts in Morocco.


Do's and don'ts in Morocco to note

Respect the Moroccan culture and religion

Tourists in Morocco, like those in any other nation, must observe local customs. If you are visiting Morocco during Ramadan, for example, make cautious not to consume alcohol in public. It is also advised not to drink, eat, or smoke in public, or to do so with caution, particularly in less popular places. Another thing to remember is to remove your shoes if you notice them at the entrance of a place they all stay at.

Be careful what you wear

In terms of the Moroccan dress code, you are allowed to wear anything you like. Keep in mind that Morocco is a Muslim country. Cleavage, shorts, tank tops, and tiny skirts should be avoided. Do as you choose; Moroccans are used to tourists, although you will feel more at ease if you dress suitably. Check out our article “Moroccan dress code, what to wear and where to wear it!” for an overview of what to wear.

Always bargain

In Morocco, everyone negotiates, because negotiating is part of the Moroccan culture. To your knowledge, being foreign raises costs significantly and automatically, which is why prices in the souks are rarely stated; they change according to the hour of the day (yes, yes!!! ), the pace of the consumer, and even sometimes according to the attitude of the salesman…

Be on the lookout for scammers

If someone welcomes you inside their business for tea, they will use this as an excuse to urge you to buy anything, and you will most likely succumb due to the deeply entrenched psychological idea of reciprocity. They will force you to put on clothing, buy anything, or pay over money once they have you. “No thanks,” you say, and walk away.

Be friendly and sociable

Moroccans are extremely sociable, and their country is regarded as one of the most inviting and hospitable in the world as compared to other nations where privacy is vital. As a result, it is advisable to remember to be more open and social than you usually are. But don’t worry, like many other visitors who have visited Morocco before you, you will do so unconsciously, marveling at Moroccans’ compassion.

Try to learn some basic Arabic words or some basic French words

Even though it is not necessary to know Arabic to communicate, as a tourist, using a few Arabic words like “Salam” or “Choukrane” or French words like “Bonjour” and “Merci”—equivalent to “Hello” and “Thank you”—as it is widely understood, you will always get more sympathetic responses when they see that you are making an effort to speak their language. Learn Moroccan Phrases here.

Hygiene & Water

When using the restroom outside your accommodation, always pack tissues. Moroccan restrooms are sometimes under-equipped. And, to avoid stomach trouble, try to consume bottled water.


The Moroccan sense of time and timeliness differs significantly from Western concepts. “Europeans have clocks, we have time,” as they say in Morocco. Markets, souks, and medinas are scheduled to open at 9 a.m., but make no mistake: they don’t open until 11 a.m.

Taste the Moroccan cuisine

Moroccan cuisine is a Mediterranean cuisine distinguished by a wide range of dishes originating mostly from Berber cuisine and influenced by Arab, Jewish, and Andalusian influences. Try the tagines and couscous; they’re delicious! Keep in mind that tagines and couscous may alter depending on where you go in the nation… Each region in the nation has its unique cooking style. Learn what to eat in Morocco here.


Important do's and don'ts in Morocco to know

Do not eat, reach out or grasp objects with your left hand

If you are a foreigner eating a meal with Moroccans, it is customary to use your right hand to pass plates, grab something, or take food. The left hand is considered dirty and is frequently forbidden from touching food or shaking hands. So remember to use your right hand with Moroccans.

Avoid criticizing these 3 subjects

It is best to avoid discussions about the king and religion. However, you must refrain from speaking out against the monarch, the country, or the religion. This is also one of the important things to note from the do’s and don’ts in Morocco.

Avoid public displays of love and affection

Under public, keep your emotions in check. Moroccans are quite humble, thus overt displays of affection should be avoided. Avoid public demonstrations of affection. In Morocco, do not kiss in public.

Don’t turn down an invitation to tea

Moroccans are kind and will often welcome you to sip the famous and wonderful Moroccan mint tea; you should not decline because refusing this opportunity to get to know them better and make friends might be viewed as impolite.

Do not enter a mosque

Not everyone is aware, but visitors are not permitted to attend mosques unless they are Muslims and come to worship. However, visitors are permitted to visit mosques such as the famed Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. So, before going to a mosque, be sure to ask questions because this is one of the important do’s and don’ts in Morocco.

Do not take a picture of a Moroccan without asking permission first

Many Moroccans will be happy to be photographed, but not all Moroccans, especially women, will be happy to be photographed without their consent. It is therefore best to ask before taking someone’s picture so as not to have any unpleasant surprises.

Tourist guides are to be avoided

Those who state “no money” are probably chasing your cash. They will attempt to convince you to visit their businesses or accompany you someplace, then demand money for their services. Say no emphatically. If they start walking with you, they will demand money, no matter how elderly or kind they are. Trust only tour guides suggested by your hotel’s employees.

Don’t go out alone late at night

Walking at night requires prudence, although walking in well-lit and crowded locations is simple. In the medinas, you never know what lies around the corner. Petty crime is prevalent in this region, particularly against visitors.

Valuables should not be carried and shiny jewelry should be avoided

The hotel is a good place to start if you’re looking for a place to stay. Do not take your passport with you and leave it at the hotel! We suggest making a copy of your passport and leaving the originals in your hotel. People will regard jewelry to be a symbol of riches and will try harder to deceive you in shops or rob you on the street if you wear it.

Don’t trust the alleys

The alleys of the medina are charming to walk through, but they can also make you an easy victim of scammers and thieves. Avoid walking away from people.

If you are a woman, do not walk alone

When a woman is alone, she is more likely to draw unwanted attention from males and be harassed. Women draw a lot of attention; it is advised not to stroll alone at night. Here is our article about solo female travel to Morocco.


While this is great advice for any location, Morocco is especially serious because of the large number of people who will give you unwelcome attention. Being always on the alert requires a lot of energy in a city where asking for directions often results in someone demanding money. Reading the do’s and don’ts in Morocco you might ask: Is it safe to go to Morocco? Yes, in most circumstances. Visiting Morocco, on the other hand, needs a little more bravery and a good eye for weaknesses. It necessitates some suspicion on your behalf. I suggest taking a tour rather than seeing the country on your own. Furthermore, in isolated deserts and mountains, public transit is impossible to utilize. Thousands of individuals, on the other hand, come here on their own and succeed. If you are comfortable with difficult circumstances and in a fast-paced workplace, you will perform well in Morocco. I strongly encourage everyone to visit the nation, but keep an eye out and a thick skin for anybody attempting to sell you anything! Morocco is not easy, but the journey is worthwhile – and it is much safer than you may imagine!

Need a tour in Morocco?

After reading the do’s and don’ts in Morocco, you might be looking to travel to this beautiful nation, we offer a range of custom tours, airport transfers, and desert tours… Contact us and let’s plan this adventure together!

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