How to Ride a Camel: A Step-by-Step Guide

Camels are the best way to get around the desert. But getting on and riding one, especially for the first time, can be awkward. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but riding a camel is pretty easy to learn if you follow this step-by-step guide on how to ride a camel.

Make Sure You Stretch Before The Camel Ride

Getting on a camel is the trickiest part of the ride. It’s like doing a big leg swing, kind of like what you might have done in gym class. It can be a stretch, especially for grown-ups! To avoid any ouchies, loosen up your muscles a bit beforehand, especially your legs, before you hop on.

A woman riding a camel in Merzoga showing how to ride one.

Dress Appropriately

When planning a camel trek in Morocco, it’s important to dress correctly to ensure you’re comfortable and protected. Here are some tips on what to wear:

  • Wear loose, stretchy pants. Camel fur can be scratchy, and the sun is strong, so long pants will protect your legs from both.
  • Socks and gloves are a good idea, especially in the mornings when it’s cooler. They’ll keep you warm and comfy.
  • Pick clothes that let your body breathe and are easy to move around in. Light, but strong fabrics are best for the desert!

Move With The Camel

Riding a camel is all about going with the flow! Camels walk in a wobbly way that might feel weird at first. Don’t try to go against it – relax and move your body with the camel’s sway. Take deep breaths to loosen up any tightness. Hold onto the handles for stability. If you’re feeling brave, try putting one hand in front and one behind on the seat, like a cool cowboy. This helps you keep your balance as you get used to the camel’s walk.

A group of tourists riding camels in the Merzouga desert.

Step By Step Guide on How to Ride a Camel

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to ride a camel in Morocco:

  1. Walk calmly beside the camel, not in front. Act brave, even if you’re scared. Don’t make eye contact. This is for getting on a kneeling camel, not a standing one.
  2. Swing your leg over the camel’s back, like climbing a big, bumpy horse. Hold on tight with one hand and step on the footrest if there is one. Get on fast and sit on the saddle holding with two hands.
  3. Hold on tight! Camels stand up with their back legs first, so lean back as they stand up.
  4. Lean forward a little at a time until you’re sitting up straight.

How to stay comfortable riding a Camel in Morocco

Get comfortable with the uncomfortable! A camel ride across the Sahara Desert in Morocco is super cool, but it can be uncomfortable if you don’t know what to do. Here’s how to make your ride comfy:

  • Sit tall and relax your body. Let your legs swing gently with the camel’s steps. Try to hold onto something like a footrest to help you balance.
  • Wear loose clothes that let your skin breathe, like pajamas! This will help you stay cool and avoid getting sore.
  • Your first camel ride might make you a little sore, just like trying a new exercise. You can take some medicine like ibuprofen before you go to help with that. Remember, a little discomfort is part of the fun, and it makes the relaxing breaks in the desert even better!

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